
Trucking Jobs

The trucking industry are on the raise because of the need for goods to be deliver from one destination to another, and so there are more trucking jobs available. Trucking jobs are very attractive to many because of the high entry level pay and the fact that you do not need a collage degree for the job.

The Highest Paid Jobs are Trucking Jobs

By lazysubmit -- Trucking jobs have been and probably always will be the highest paid entry level jobs that a person can get without any experience or going to college. Not only are trucking jobs the best entry level jobs you wont be wasting four to eight years in school and spending tens of thousands in tuition and expenses. After searching the internet for the highest paying entry level jobs I was amazed. Every website and search... more

Trucking Jobs - Daily Fresh

By Oswald J. Eppers -- Trucking jobs are very attractive, even for drivers with little experience. They have been and probably always will be the highest paid entry-level jobs that a person can get. Most truckers already make an average of $35,000 in their first year out on the road. After a few years out, those same truckers are making an average of $45,000-$50,000 annually and it is nothing exceptional that veterans make over $100,000 when they are owner of... more

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How to Find the Best Trucking Job

By Kris Koonar -- Before you get set for your interview just wait and think about what type of truck driving job you want for yourself. It is not just about getting behind the wheel. You have to know how comfortable you are with long hauls and short hauls. Which one of these two is more preferable for you? Would you like to be involved in the process of pickup and delivery of the loads you carry in your... more

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